Personal Training
”My training plans are highly personalised, and I work with people of all ages and abilities – from athletes to people who have never strength trained before.
My core beliefs are:
- Little and often has powerful cumulative results – so we need to train consistently and regularly.
- Regular strength and mobility training are essential for longevity and to future proof your body.
- But to stay motivated, you need to enjoy it – so it must be a type of training that can fit into your lifestyle.
My methodology:
I coach using whole-body, aligned movement patterns. This combination rapidly improves strength, mobility and overall fitness.
- Depending on your level I will start by teaching you basic functional movements then slowly add weight.
- I coach with a strong connection to the ground – starting with hands and feet, allowing you to feel how these connect to the rest of your body.
- I use mostly compound movements: simultaneously targeting various muscle groups, while mobilising through the full possible range of movement (far more effective than ‘arm’ or ‘leg day’ at the gym).
- No squeezing or bracing: but rather reflexive strength, which teaches muscles to just work naturally as they need to.
- Because of my extensive, anatomically-based skill set I home in on form – so you avoid injury.
“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist” Picasso
I have many years of experience teaching Kettlebells, Animal Flow® and other types of ‘unconventional’ training.
I combine these as ‘Flow’, which is at the heart of my coaching.
- A combination of modalities (eg kettlebells and Animal Flow®)
- Movement sequences can be weighted or unweighted
- Promotes fluidity of movement which translates to the whole of your life
- Is a brain-body workout
- Is fun and expressive – you’ll forget you are working out
- And is a mindful, meditative practice
- Every day you can adapt it to suit your mood and goals
Unconventional training
Encompasses all sorts of different tools and movements that you wouldn’t see in a typical gym.
- You can think of it as a training for life, because it helps you develop functional strength to do the kind of movements you do in real life: every day activities like lifting a heavy suitcase, twisting, darting to the side, lifting objects at an angle, gripping heavy bags, and so on.
- Combines strength, power, mobility, coordination and stability into a single exercise.
- Because you hit many areas at once it’s brilliant for short, sharp workouts (no need for a long drawn out session).
- Since you first learn and then perform a skill, it’s like learning a new language each time – which is much more motivating and exciting.
Kettlebells are incredibly effective and versatile tools that engage the entire body across all planes of movement. They very quickly improve cardio, mobility, strength and power, as well as grip strength.
Kettlebell flow emphasises smooth, fluid movement while improving endurance. It also couples beautifully with bodyweight training methods such as Animal Flow®.
Animal Flow®
Animal Flow® is a no-equipment program, performed on the floor, using all four limbs, to create fluid and challenging movement sequences. It seamlessly blends elements from Yoga, gymnastics and dance to create the ultimate all-encompassing workout.
This flowing practice enhances strength, mobility, balance, coordination and endurance. Most importantly, it engages your mind to keep you active and alert.
Since the moves can be modified, it works for nearly everyone, and the health benefits are huge.
Once you’ve tried it, you’ll be hooked!

Movement Coaching
Tailored sessions of manual therapy and remedial mini-programs that incrementally realign and rebalance the way you move.
A combination of techniques that teach your body how to Move Better:
- To improve alignment, reduce pain and rehabilitate injury
- A ‘Whole-Body’ approach as opposed to spot treating areas of concern
- Sessions involve remedial mini-programs using corrective exercises as well as soft tissue therapy if appropriate
- You’ll be given a progressive exercise plan to restore your strength and mobility, rehabilitating you back to full function
There can be many reasons for pain during movement, so resolving it requires a multi-factorial approach. I often incorporate manual therapy so as to feel what is going on in the body, then combine this with movement coaching.
Our bodies are shaped by the way we have moved throughout our lives. Every time we have experienced an injury, accident or trauma we will have cleverly adjusted the way we move to compensate around these limitations. Over time, these adjustments become ingrained in our natural movement patterns but can sometimes lead to pain and discomfort elsewhere in the body.
It is my job to uncover these adaptations so that you can return to moving and functioning optimally.
If you’ve experienced pain or injury, you may now move cautiously. And you might have been led to believe that you are weak or unable to recover and fully heal. This mindset can cause you to lose confidence and feel disconnected from your body.
I want to teach you to feel safe in your body so you can begin to move through your life without fear or pain.
Through education and sensory awareness in a safe environment, you can start to fully inhabit your body. Once you are equipped with the tools you need you can begin to facilitate your own healing.
Gait Analysis using Anatomy in Motion
Correct gait is optimal whole body movement. In ideal gait with each step you take every joint of the body should move through all three planes of motion and all muscles should lengthen and contract.
Anatomy in Motion™ (AiM), developed by Gary Ward, uses the Flow Motion Model to examine the body moving through its gait cycle.
Past injuries, habits or pain mean we may be avoiding certain movements and positions. The model allows us to spot these compensations as we walk, then gently and precisely introduce them back to the body.
Feet are key, so the AiM method often starts by observing how the feet are moving (or not moving!) When we re-learn how to fully pronate and supinate the feet, the results spiral upwards into all other joints of the body allowing for greater freedom of movement and overall balance.
Anatomy in Motion package
1. An initial 90 minute assessment:
- Video analysis of your gait pattern and posture (sent in prior to your session)
- A thorough in-person biomechanical assessment
A detailed breakdown of each phase of your gait cycle helping you identify the movements you are currently avoiding or unable to perform, and how this might be contributing to pain or discomfort in any part of your body
2. Two further 1 hour coached sessions:
- Learn corrective exercises to gently move into your blind spots improving your gait and movement patterns
Experience more freedom of movement in all of your joints, creating an environment in which healing can take place
- Develop a deeper understanding of your body, reducing pain and minimising the risk of future injuries
- Receive a progressive exercise plan completely unique to your body to restore balance and your full movement potential

What My Clients Are Saying
“Janey I just wanted to let you know that as of Sunday I’m almost totally back pain free! Absolutely incredible. 2 years of suffering and your exercises are doing the trick. I can’t thank you enough”

Janey Sattentau